Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spy Cctv I Need To Learn More About A Cctv Camera?

I need to learn more about a cctv camera? - spy cctv

Well, I'm only in the acquisition may be a CCTV camera spy interested in this auction like eBay.
However, I do not think they know much about, except for the fact that they're smaller and more mobile. What should I know about them? How does the radio? Does he need a LAN adapter? If you can answer one of them, I would appreciate this very much, thank you

1 comment:

Securicorp CCTV said...


The spy-camera (eg eBay) is easy to configure and usually comes with everything you need. (the work is not for me eBay page that) sell you can not see what you are trying to

The spy camera itself is a small camera with a built in transmitter and perhaps some links to connect directly to a cable or battery.

The transmitter signal with a frequency of 2.4 GHz or 1.3 GHz radio. There are only 4 channels on this frequency and thus restricts the number of cameras. If you already have) a 2.4 GHz wireless device (or your neighbor, then consider the 1 channel for each device you have. (This is not the same as WiFi 2.4Ghz PC)

In the package you get a wireless receiver that picks up the signal and has few ways to connect a cable to your TV or VCR. The only reason you may need an adapter, this cable you can connect your recording / display device. Maplin (UK) or Circuit City (USA) has these cards, or look on eBay.

Word of Caution
This corresponds to a Common Customs TariffCompany V, and bought it pretty cheap (and expensive) wireless cameras. Those I have tried cheaper quality, send video over long distances, and the picture quality was poor. In addition, most devices are not within weeks. If you buy one of these cameras, you do not expect the camera to send the signal to a great distance.

Accordingly, a camera never normal for a wireless client will be sold, the transfer of intellectual property only professional cameras are very expensive.

We hope this information will help, by all means he would have had luck with my purchases and my experience shows that not every wireless camera on the market.

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